Vision impairment. Blindness- SYMMETRYBODY®Blind people are not blind, but are dependent on symmetrybody Asymmetrybody has a huge influence on the brain and on its harm, which can lead to multiple sclerosis, migraine, stroke, dyslexia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Asymmetrybody results in particular damage to the occipital cortex - the rear lobes. This part of the brain is responsible for processing visual information. Asymmetrybody destroys parts of the eye, such as the retina, eye muscles, choroid, the eyeball, pupil, cornea, the connecting band around the lens "zonula ciliaris", the iris and the lens. Asymmetrybody reduces the adaptability required to allow the eye to focus on objects that are close by and this causes increased rugby ball formation, which is why the human eye becomes weaker every year. This is the most important cause of poor sight and blindness, as with Anderea Bocelli: narrowing of the occipital cortex to the retina and cross-eyes. The relationship between adaptability and sight sharpness depends on symmetrybody. And people can determine this themselves.
People with congenital blindness or who suddenly become blind, can start with the symmetrybody- concept. Andrea Bocelli, Stevie Wonder, Sheena Lyengar, Angela Frederick, Anna Cannings, Christina Ha, Jennifer L Coulter, Blind beauty queen, paralympic Verena Bentele and Egyptian Blind Girls Chamber Orchestra are welcome to come to us in the Netherlands. Click here amputation of a breast, arm or leg With this revolutionary concept people don’t need medicines, injections, operations or donations
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