Heart complaints- SYMMETRYBODY®Life expectancy is dependent on symmetrybody According to the scientifically-based teaching of symmetrybody, Asymmetrybody, your Body halves not being the exact opposite of each other, causes heart disorders, such as disorders of the coronary artery and mitral valve, a congenital heart defect indicated by a gap between both halves of the heart. Asymmetrybody causes narrowing and blockages of coronary arteries or cardiac muscle tissue "Bundle of His."
Asymmetrybody also causes damage to a heart valve on the left between the upper chamber; this receives blood from the lungs because the heart is under significant pressure from spasm and prolapse in the chest. This eventually leads to embolism and cardiac arrest. You prevent these serious and life-threatening disorders with symmetrybody- concept. Just over a third of the way through symmetrybody treatment and exercise under personal supervision, chronic medical disorders will have been remedied successfully. Complete bymmetry of body makes pacemakers, stents and bypass surgery entirely unnecessary. Michael Jackson This talented composer, singer, dancer and performer had more than 20 chronic medical complaints. We can surmise this based on our insights, our success and our many years’ experience with many Symmetrybody treatments. As shown on TV images, as he needed a walking stick the King of Pop also apparently had skeletal complaints. A Body in extreme asymmetrybody unconsciously demands significant amounts of controlled drugs. An overdose of these can lead to a continuously raised heart rate. Actually, Michael Jackson wanted to recover as quickly as possible for his final performance in England. However, his attempts at recovery led to both his end and the end of his career. If he had stayed alive, his serious chronic complaints would have undoubtedly led to him needing a wheelchair; with such skeletal complaints he could forget dancing. Ultimately he suffered cardiac arrest at home, aged just 51.
With this revolutionary concept people don’t need medicines, injections, operations or donations
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