MS. Alzheimer’s. Brain. SYMMETRYBODY®Asymmetrybody causes cerebral palsy This was fantastic news for Muhammed Ali, for example, the boxing legend from the 1960s and 70s. But the revolutionary symmetrybody concept is exceptionally suitable for people with handicaps and serious disorders such as multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
First phase People start to find it difficult to get out of bed or stand up from a chair when symptoms first appear. Running and walking become more and more difficult until people give up this exercise. Limb weakness is a prevalent first symptom. Complaints worsen Asymmetrybody damages the central nervous system in the brain and affects the hypothalamus, hypophese, optic chiasm and spine through spasms in the brain. In other words: the brain’s lobes become asymmetric. Symptoms include headache, memory disorders, tinnitus, one-sided deafness, poor sight, heart palpitations, high and low blood pressure, irrespective of sex, age or heredity. Limbs start to tremble or shake and people no longer have control over facial muscles, hands, arms and legs. A tragic example of this is Muhammed Ali alias Cassius Marcellus Clay. When the brain’s lobes are in symmetry, then the brain determines bodily functioning. However, if the brain is in asymmetry, the Body determines this. The brain’s lobes function completely if someone is in symmetrybody. Cerebral palsy, for example, is a direct consequence of asymmetrybody. With patience, discipline and stamina, symmetrybody remedies the above-stated complaints slowly and step-by-step. Symmetrybody makes everyone happy
Asymmetrybody causes hammer toe, moisture in leg and feet also affects fingerjoints. After movement treatment- The moisture and curved toes can gradually recover fully.
With this revolutionary concept people don’t need medicines, injections, operations or donations
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