Breast amputation is past history. SYMMETRYBODY®Lump in the breast The revolutionary symmetrybody- concept approach is extremely suitable, particularly for women who discover a lump in their breast. But also women who have undergone operative removal of the entire breast can benefit a lot from symmetrybody. Anomalies or irregularities in women’s breasts are generally innocent and occur often. When changes and medical complaints occur in women’s breasts, the cause of this can be explained by asymmetrybody. The most common change in the breast is a lump - a thickening and narrowing of the gland tissue. But other complaints can also occur, such as indentations and dimples in the breast skin, a red, itchy, eczema-like rash on both breasts or an inverted nipple. Early prevention is better than cure. You can conquer a breast lump by bringing your Body in symmetrybody. This has a positive and restorative influence on gland tissue as well as on the autoimmune system.
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