Homepage from the science of SYMMETRYBODY®Symmetrybody is a newly-developed method that approaches medical complaints in a new way. Symmetry is a geometric term and is combined with “Body”: This scientifically-based concept for people is called symmetrybody. Symmetry applies to all moving equipment and objects on earth - anything that involves speed. If objects become asymmetrical this has a braking effect on all movement processes, right down to the micro-level. The antithesis of symmetrybody- asymmetrybody® - is also the most important cause of all chronic medical complaints. Who am I?My name is Giovanni Tavakolli and I am inventor and deviser of this revolutionary approach, which I have called symmetrybody. Symmetrybody is an european and internationally registered and protected brand for which I have author’s rights. I have studied sport medicine and physiology for the past 20 years and have conducted scientific research into movement. I had had the feeling for a long time that chronic medical complaints could be approached from a new, different perspective. That the Body is capable of curing complaints itself has been known for a long time. However, the Body’s self-healing capacity needs to be able to do its work undisturbed. This principle thought was my starting point in developing symmetrybody. This concept enables the body to do what it is naturally capable of doing. A lifestyleWhat makes symmetrybody so revolutionary? A healthy start is extremely important, right from the beginning. Smoking can cause health problems, for example by forming extreme amounts of mucus in the lungs. Anyone starting symmetrybody- concept will actually have to stop smoking. Very specific exercises form the basis of the concept; there is a lot of work on and with movement. This means that a client who decides to try my concept needs to have significant level of persistence and discipline. Only then, will the desired success be achieved with symmetrybody. Short introduction to the concept The name says it all: Symmetrybody is the basis of the concept. Everyone is asymmetrical from birth. As we age, we increasingly block ourselves further, with the existence of chronic medical complaints flowing from this. As demonstrated in my scientific research, when Body is brought in symmetrybody, all chronic complaints disappear. This means that those who want to stay healthy for their entire lives need also start with the concept early.
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